Howdy Everyone,
Have we all done our Christmas shopping yet? Are we jingling all the way? Will it be a white Christmas?! Do any of us care?!!? I have done all of my shopping and so as we speak am sitting here looking extremely pleased with myself.. Altho saying this, on Christmas day when people come to open their goodies.. I think Im going to be looking an awful lot less pleased with myself.. cant say that Ive managed to do all that well with presents that I have been buying Richard but with me getting most things he wanted for his birthday its been a bit of a headache trying to think of even more things for Christmas. I know he understands anyway!! Cant think what it is hes going to buy me.. I know we are both spending quite a few pennies and are doing each other stockings which I loveeee!!! (sweety stockings not wearing stockings!)
Im putting up all of my Christmas decorations tomorrow night along with a Christmas tree that Im throwing up!! My mum and her bf (woh yesh, Karen is not gonna be lonely this Christmas!!) are coming to get a Christmas tree tomorrow… Hate lugging the thing about!! Also writing my Christmas cards.. Need a few peoples addresses tho.. Jasey, get in touch!!
I have put on around 10 pound on in the last month weight wise.. I cant be bothered at the moment though.. My body is a temple of love!!
Met Fordies GF on Sunday so Im now officially not the newbie in the gang!!! WOOT WOOT!!
Going for a meal tonight then back to mine for a lovely dessert and Champagne.. How nice does that sound.. cept I don’t really like Champagne.. But shhhhh!!!!!
Lots of love