Adrian as a killer clown
Richard as a ghoul
Bev as lady vamp
Quinton as Freddy Kruger
Keith as Alice Cooper ... and...
Jaya as a little devil

The not-so-secret diary, thoughts, and observations of a sugarpuff from Stoke-On-Trent...
So it is the yearly piss up for Halloween this Saturday night at daddy and mummy Julies house. Unlike other years, we have got a fancy dress theme and so everyone is going to be dressed the the nastiest outfits that they can find… Among the people going that I know of we have got Alice Cooper, vampires and vampiresses, Freddy Kruger and I believe that even my baby neice Jaya will be going as a little devil (not that she has to dress up at times!)…
In true A-drain style, I have purchased a scary clown outfit for the occasion and for a last minute buy, it aint half bad!! Need a bit of eye make up for my peepers but that’s about it. When you consider renting a horrible cheap worn in suit that doesn’t even fasten up properly (thinking back to the Womble outfit and all those safety pins!) costs £30.00, it came to a total of £45.00 and is an outfit that I can keep for life.. Hey, maybe Ill even go raving in it!
Richards birthday is coming up and I have not got a clue what to buy him.. Among the ideas I have had are:-
Nasal strip silencer to quieten his roaring through the night (I mean snoring for anyone who didn’t read the last entry!)
Stripy Jumper (because he hasn’t bought one for at least a week)
Bottle of vodka (because… *Apparantly* half the time he needs to be pissed to be with me?!) Shocking…
Will and Grace DVD (Series 4 episodes 4-8) because random DVD’s are always a good gift…
And finally the Piece de Resistance :-
An adopt a vine certificate (only £29.99 and u get ur own vine to visit whenever you like!!) Best gift ever surely?!!?
Hmm… Back to the drawing board then??