I would just like to thank all of those people that voted Chantelle to win last night. I text 30 odd people askin you to do so and obviously this paid off and it was purely down to me that she won.. !! If Bazza Barrymore would have won, I fear he would not have been able to fit his head through the door! Did you see him!? Eejit!
Richs sister and her mate are coming around tonight for a few drinks and then we are going to go for a curry! Am really looking forward to it but kinda shitting me pants as I dont really like my flat and Richs sister is an interior designer kind person. She very very nice though so I know she wouldnt say something even if she thought it was a shit hole!
Work has been a bit shit this week. We had a upgrade that all customers had to make on their system and it gets a bit annoying repeating yourself to numpties after a while! Nay matter anyway, This time in a year I will hopefully be a Guru.. Just hoping I wont stab a certain someone in the eye with a screwdriver! I didnt win the lottery euro millions although I had spent it all before the draw... Only a little bit bitter about that though (fucking bastards!!) cos people like me dont have luck like that.. Its always a middle aged family that win it or a down and out (how do they afford the ticket in the first place!?!) anyway, yet another roll over so Im having another go next week!! :-)
Richard has won tickets for us to go and see take that in concert in July on Ebay. Not sure yet if I really wanna go as its for standing tickets and I dont like been in crowds (which is why I have my tesco shopping delivered!) We shall have to see... Speaking of tesco, the bastards came this morning and made me carry the shopping up with them again, before proceeding to drop the whole load of it down the stairs. So, Ive made a decision.. Im fucking sick of tesco men/women making me feel guilty when theyre paid to deliver my shopping to my door (why employ old men and weak women to tackle such a job!?) so im going to buy it from the supermarket from now on! Got to be less hassle hasnt it!?
Well I went to the gym tonight!I did 3 fitness tests on three machines. One said i was elite (does anyone know what this means) and two said that my fitness level was "very low" Im not too impressed.. I think I did an absolutely splendid job (of looking like a complete and utter nob ed!) and would love to go again soon (next year will do..) The only bad thing was I happened to stumble on one of my ex's (ugly bastard) while there who I am pleased to report, looked as though he could have crawled up his own ass... (most of my exs do... I dont think they like the thought of been associated with me!)
Yes girlies and boys! He has finally got them! For my one year anniversary, I got 24 gorgeous red roses and two boxes of poish chocs sent to my work!!! They are absolutely bloody gorgeous!! Anyway least expected prezzie ever! Love em!! Love me bitchie too of course.. Got to go now.. Going for a slap up meal to celebrate one year together!! :D MWAH xxx
Its funny how quickly a year can go isnt it..? Time flies.. Before I know it Im going to be in a nursing home having my pad changed on a daily basis by some little poncy care assistant... Did I ever mention that I was a care assistant for precisely 8 months.. I knew that it was not my calling in life when I felt like I wanted to rip the clients heads off when they didnt do what I said.. (bear in mind, these poor people had been cabbaged in car accidents or had severe huntingtons ((which kind makes you a living breathing Jibba Jabba)) Hats off to anyone who can do it though cos without carers/nurses etc we wouldnt get by...They should get paid alot more for what they do tho!!
Went to Birmingham yesterday and had an ab fab time with Jasey! We did a lil eating (and i didnt pick off anyones plate!!) then a lil drinkin, then a lil shopping, then a lil bit more drinking.. nd shopping.. then some more drinking.. and shopping... Before coming home.. It was wicked.. Got to do it more often thogh.. Can honestly say it was as fun as the first time I met him... We laughed lots and I even did the Adie dance a couple of times for him!
Soo.. Tomorrow night, me and rich are going for a romantic meal for two at a new restaurant that has opened near me. Im quite excited about the whole thing and still find it hard to believe that it has only been a year. Reading back, things havent been smooth and i think me and Rich know more than anyone that in some ways we are like chalk and cheese (him been the cheese as its smelly!) but something has kept us together for this long and although it gets hard at times, there is noone in the world I would rather be spending my life with...
Oooh. and Bitchie, if ur reading.. In answer to your question that I didnt answer tonight, Of course I still want to..Happy anniversary baby... :-) xxx xx x
Mornin! Going to brum later today with Jason! I have managed to dig up a few pound so we r going to spend all day in cafes with me eatin his dinner! Should be fun! Also buying Richie a anniversary card for Monday.. somethings gotta be going right eh?? xxx xx x
This is alex that i work with. He also goes by the name of "little un, scrappy doo, alexandrrraaa, and Oi!" Tries to give looks as hard as nails but if you tickle him under the chin hes a teddy bear! His favourite words are" Sweet" (this is rather good and can be substituted for swweeeeddd...) "sound" (this means good) "yeet" (very bad, horrible, ugly girl.) "yoff/youf/youth" (said over 20 times in each of his sentences.) and "this printer/computer/anything is gay" before shouting "sorry ade" across the office... lol!
It never ceases to amaze me ow many drinks I can buy at weatherspoons with how much money i have got! Even if I just take ten pound out with me, I can always buy a curry from curry night, and a round for all the people I with. I was even drinking Archers Veet (i think they are called) last night and they were 99p (less than a quid!!).. I had 20 quid with me last night and felt suitably tipsy by the end of the night and still managed to come away with a fiver change.. I also did the usual "lets eat everyones left overs" which is getting embarrassing.. What can I say? I dont like to see waste! :-)
Sooo we have no progress on anything that Ive previously mentioned but me and Richard were on about going somewhere like Muscat, Egypt, Kenya etc earlier on in the year but as I arent all that sure where my next penny is coming from at the moment, Ive put hold on all that idea for now. Trying to be sensible about stuff!
Have been working strange shifts this week. Monday was 9am-8pm, tuesday was 10pm-5pm, wednesday 2pm-10pm, thurs 1pm-7pm and today its 2pm-10pm again. All a bit shit if u ask me! Taking its toll on my body clock and my mood! :-( Have decided I think Im going to do something reeeeallly exciting this weekend... altho what I can do with a five pound note and a lot of enthusiasm remains to be seen!
Think I may test my new gym out tomorrow at some point.. Have got a couple of free passes there and have not been yet so would be good to give it a go. When I went for the look around though there seemed to be an awful lot of men in lycra.. No way, no how am I gonna be wearing lycra... (chicken legs in foil comes to mind!)
Sooo anyway.. Where are my comments gone?! Has every1 got fed up of me and buggered off?! :) xx x
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Some photos that I forgot to add... Was around 12th December me thinks! I was so proud of my rice cake that I had made and love the way Richard is looking me in that photo.. Eyes full of love.. or is he looking at me as if Im the biggest idiot alive?! Hmm.. Anyway, All of these photos were shortly before we encountered a huge flannel fight with the table opposite us!
Things are strange in the land of Ade..... My mums moving out and Im not sure what Im going to do at the moment. Am really chuffed for her as she has finally met someone and seems to be madly in love.. She really does need to go and look at the place she is moving to though first! lol! Shes going at the end of April by the looks of things! Anyway, I seem to have four options and have no clue which way is going to be steered... Either:-
A.) Richard moves in. (these talks are in session) B.) I get a lodger (This is not as easy as one would think due to me not been the owner of the place but have got around 3 months to think...also not sure I fancy sharing with a stranger/weirdo/sponger.. etc and them having the run of my "living room/kitchen/bathroom/life!! but I could probably get good money off them if I found one which would be good!) C.) I get a part time job (sat/sun night weekly... Do I not work hard enough as it is!?).. Oh yeah, I dont.. LOL! D.) I try and go it alone in the flat (This is manageable if social life is the same of that of a mountain goat...)
Like I say, at the moment, have no idea whatsoever which way the willy is gonna wangle.. Should have a clearer view of things soon but for now, Adie poo is turning into a domestic God (dess) and is starting to tidy up after himself.. No more relying on mummy.. I did it once upon a time and its time to start doing it again! Anyone who knows me will say that when I get stuck in, Im actually quite good.. I just need some motivation! :)
Ive also decided that Im going to replace some bits and bobs and Richard wants a bit of input into how the flats going to look which is nice as he does have quite good taste (hes with me, he must have! Rahaha!) so will be doing that over next few months!!
Big happy birthday to Jasey this week... Congrats to Natt on getting back with Carol (again.. tut.. lesbian..) and big congrats to Mr Wings and Rob who are muchly in love and setting up abode out of gayville! Tis me one year anniversary with Richard on Monday.. Aww... A whole year... Could it be that Adies met his match?! :-)
Oooh we also joined a gym I should mention! Total fitness! So hopefully soon enough you will see a new hip buff sex God before you.. (Richard... as for me.. I doubt Ill change much.. Am quite excited though as there is a cafe there!!)
Will try to start updating a little more often anyway as I do realise that I have become a little bit slack! (ooo err.. ) xxx
Hi There!! Long time no update!! Well, here I am.... So ya can shut yr face now Natt!! I havent really got that much gossip to be honest! Its no longer looking as though I am going to be going to Dubai.. (NOR MUSCAT!!) as they seem to enjoy advertising false offers!! TUT!!! Im happy with the lake district anyway as anywhere that stops me from flying is always a bonus!!
Work is going well!! I am learning something new every day and am 2 months into my new job today..,, cant really say anything else bout work...
There is talk of me and my sister "reviving" our singing at pubs and clubs. Apparantly the working mens club where we used to do most of our sessions at have asked if we can do next boxing day and New Year. .. am going to go to my daddy dears tomorrow night with Beverley Anne and see if we have still "got it!!" (to be honest I dont think Ive ever had anything but a croaky voice but we shall see how it goes!!)
Anywaaayyyyy!! Im going to pop off now!! Night of soaps planned!
Catch ya laterz xxxx xxx xx x MWAH x
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Me and ma bitchie on new years eve 2005 Fay with her sparkler,, Think she was a lil bit excited about the whole thing... Me and me bitchie again!