Some photos that I forgot to add... Was around 12th December me thinks! I was so proud of my rice cake that I had made and love the way Richard is looking me in that photo.. Eyes full of love.. or is he looking at me as if Im the biggest idiot alive?! Hmm.. Anyway, All of these photos were shortly before we encountered a huge flannel fight with the table opposite us!
Things are strange in the land of Ade..... My mums moving out and Im not sure what Im going to do at the moment. Am really chuffed for her as she has finally met someone and seems to be madly in love.. She really does need to go and look at the place she is moving to though first! lol! Shes going at the end of April by the looks of things! Anyway, I seem to have four options and have no clue which way is going to be steered... Either:-
A.) Richard moves in. (these talks are in session)
B.) I get a lodger (This is not as easy as one would think due to me not been the owner of the place but have got around 3 months to think...also not sure I fancy sharing with a stranger/weirdo/sponger.. etc and them having the run of my "living room/kitchen/bathroom/life!! but I could probably get good money off them if I found one which would be good!)
C.) I get a part time job (sat/sun night weekly... Do I not work hard enough as it is!?).. Oh yeah, I dont.. LOL!
D.) I try and go it alone in the flat (This is manageable if social life is the same of that of a mountain goat...)
Like I say, at the moment, have no idea whatsoever which way the willy is gonna wangle.. Should have a clearer view of things soon but for now, Adie poo is turning into a domestic God (dess) and is starting to tidy up after himself.. No more relying on mummy.. I did it once upon a time and its time to start doing it again! Anyone who knows me will say that when I get stuck in, Im actually quite good.. I just need some motivation! :)
Ive also decided that Im going to replace some bits and bobs and Richard wants a bit of input into how the flats going to look which is nice as he does have quite good taste (hes with me, he must have! Rahaha!) so will be doing that over next few months!!
Big happy birthday to Jasey this week... Congrats to Natt on getting back with Carol (again.. tut.. lesbian..) and big congrats to Mr Wings and Rob who are muchly in love and setting up abode out of gayville! Tis me one year anniversary with Richard on Monday.. Aww... A whole year... Could it be that Adies met his match?! :-)
Oooh we also joined a gym I should mention! Total fitness! So hopefully soon enough you will see a new hip buff sex God before you.. (Richard... as for me.. I doubt Ill change much.. Am quite excited though as there is a cafe there!!)
Will try to start updating a little more often anyway as I do realise that I have become a little bit slack! (ooo err.. ) xxx
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