The not-so-secret diary, thoughts, and observations of a sugarpuff from Stoke-On-Trent...
As you know, I set myself some missions for Scotland... And I completed all of them!!! You dont believe me? Let me explain...
* I ate haggis! It was a battered one from a chip shop in Glasgow (pits) but it still counts and it was very nice indeed!
* I saw a man with a kilt on... AND I saw what was underneath... Let me explain... When we were driving through Glasgow (pits), there was a man with a big black bomber jacket on... and nothing else... Strange people... Strange place! So that was my view of what a Scot holds under his kilt (heave).. and as for the man in a kilt? I saw an advert for Beef on TV with a man in a kilt chopping wood...
* I may not have caught the "Loch ness monster" but lets say I had a beast of my own to tame.... Muahahahha!
* As for the spice girls song on the bagpipes.. I whistled "wannabe" at the top of my lungs and was told by the lovely MJ to "shut up, ya big bag 'o wind! Surely that counts?!?!?
I have some photos.. they could be a lot better. There are alot more taken by Mr Peel and I was assured that they would be sitting in my mailbox, ready for me to upload... Bloody bastard... things people will say to get rid of me eh? For now, you will have to make do with the ones I took with my phone!
I spent many a cuddle with a kitty named Jasper. You can see him in a photo on here.. (hes a ginger but shhh..) He is one of the nicest pussy cats ever. You pick him up, put him on his back and tickle his belly and he just lies there instead of running off like most kitties would... (He reminds me somewhat of myself)
I will update with some more photos when I get them.. xx
* Try Haggis. I know the concept of it is wrong but it is something that I need to do before I die. (and seeing as I am still ill and dying, now is as good a time as any!)
* Spot a man in a kilt and ask him whats under it.. (If he lets me see then 100 bonus points)
* Catch the Lochness monster (Note to self:-Remember to take net.)
* Play a rendition of a spice girls song on some bagpipes. (song TBA)
I am quite looking forward to going now altho not looking forward to the journey up there in my dying state! I shall try and take some photos for you all and will add them when I get back.. Until then...