Went for a chinese last night and, for a change, didnt get pissed... So, for a change, here is a photo of me and ma Broad Bean sober! She is moving to Birmingham very soon now (I can hear my betrothed cheering from here!) but I will go and visit lots (and now, my betrothed will be snarling..) Anyhoo, we all really had a laugh and food was good for a canteen style chinese all you can eat! They even had a big chocolate fountain (Think these have gone from tasteful to tacky in the last year or so...) Anyway, since it was sitting there looking all chocolately and fountain-ee, I did threaten to go proper Vicar of Dibley style and lean my head under it but wimped out at the last minute and was more than happy with going on a rampage with the squirty cream instead... Highlight of the night was when one of the girls we were with asked a chinese waiter what her chinese symbol tattoos meant and he replied in the most stokie accent that I have ever heard that "I dunno, I aint chinese.." Let that be a lesson to us all to not judge a book by its cover!
Im a little peed off with my laptop. I seem to have obtained a big juicy virus from somewhere which is doing my box in a lil bit! Ill sort it later though as dont wanna have to use my MAC... Which can I say is still sitting there looking REALLY pretty! :-)
First time i seen ya hair since it got cut.. looks wicked!! x
Drun, it very much looks like the lovely stacey may have a hold of your testicles in that shot. Where exactly is her hand? LOL!!!
Bev X
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