Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Zzzzzzzz..... *snore snore snore snore*

So Im lying in bed, dreaming a fantastic dream where Ive won the lottery and am driving around in a fantastic sports car with David Beckham at my side (Actually where I see myself in 10 years!)... When all of a sudden, the exhaust on the car blows... and when I say blows, I mean it REALLY starts making a damned racket.... and it gets so loud that it shakes me from my dream... and im faced with the stark and, quite frankly. downright RUDE reality... Is it David Beckham whispering in my ear and nibbling on my ear? Whoah no... Its the betrothed, mouth wide open, snoring his conkers off and dribbling over my pillow! He asks if I ever think "Awww .. How sweet!" when been awoken from slumber by his roaring..... the answer is no.. Not at all... If I didnt think I would get jailed for murder then I would suffocate the bastard.. Unfortunately, there is no justice in the world nowadays! Maybe if I taped him before hand they would reduce the sentence to manslaughter...Somethin to think about...



Anonymous said...

Im an ear-witness to the snoring!! Whoah yeh

Anonymous said...

I don't know what you pair are talking about!! I know for a fact that i dont snore, i may make slight breathing sounds when in deep sleep but thats all.

i think you must of heard Jaya when she was here jason.

Anonymous said...

Adie, Tonight i want ya to record his slight breathing sounds (when hes asleep i mean....) and send it me. Will have it as my alarm clock in a mornin.. By the time i come again, ill be used to it and wont hear it..
Anyway, its endearing. Snoring isnt a bad thing. Its natural. Happens to everyone.. Ive snored before.. Woke myself up i did.
And itchy, im shocked and disgusted that you'd lay blame on such a small innocent child! Slap!
Mwah x