Saturday, January 27, 2007


I got bored at work this week and did a little experiment. In my job role, I get calls logged for me and then have to ring out and sort a problem. The people I speak to are usually customers or a staff member throughout the network that are having issues with their IT hardware or software.

I asked every person that I spoke to how they were. Just something I would use to build up a bit of rapport. When asked myself, I always just give a polite "I am fine thank you, how are you?" and stupidly thought that I would get the same back. Yesterday I was dying (man flu, no less!) and I STILL told everyone that I spoke to that I was fine. Why does that seem to be too much to ask of 90% of people out there. I had everything from:-

"No." (what do you say to that?? "oh..*awkward silence*..Ermmm...")
"I would be if this f**king system would work" ("oh right then.. ok...")
"Well yes.. BUT..." (*listening noises as they wah wah wah*)
"Well.. You know..." (no, I dont know.. but I have a feeling your going to tell me!!!)

And unfortunately very few of the pleasant:-

"I am great thank you.. AMAZING in fact!!"

*Just for future reference? I dont really care how you are. I dont know you from Adam and I am certain to never meet you. I ask because I am a nice person. I expect you to say you are fine. I dont want to hear about your warts or your wife having an affair. If you need the number to the samaritans then I am here but otherwise lets get on with the conversation!!!!!*

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