Friday, March 31, 2006
Going to Leicester in...
Anyway.. Just wanted to write something... Anything!! :-)
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sonny and Cher
The 70's theme night...
Friday, March 24, 2006
Fancy dress disasterouso!!
So as we know, Donnas (aka the pregnant one) birthday is in a few days and we are going to a party tomorrow that has a seventies theme.. Now, I have been to two fancy dress parties and looked for every bloody outfit from george and bungle from rainbow, to Freddy BASTARD Mercury! Are any of em any good?! Are they fuck! All the good outfits (including bugs bunney, sylvester the cat, tweety pie, tom and jerry, and fred flinstone) have been previously rented out So.. Ive decided Im going to go as a time traveller from modern day.. Unless they get a half decent outfit in for tomorrow that is!!! We shall see... Dont seem to have any bloody luck!
am going out tonight with Stacey.. We are going to get a little bit tipsy me thinks.. Should be fun.. Not been out wit her for too long!
I finally got my much needed, much awaited, much better rise from ANC. It means I am now earning a half decent wage and can put aside 400-500 pound to save towards hols/house/stuff. Am due one more small rise (think about 1k) in a months time but Im as happy as Larry with this for now. ANC are the best ever.. for at least a week! :)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
R-I-P Carphone Whorehouse!!!
As a gesture of goodwill I would like to offer a credit of £10.00 onto your account for the inconvenience caused. As an organisation we try very hard to provide exceptional service, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your constructive criticism as this information is imperative to find our short comings. I will address this issue to a member of management, to insure that this incident is not repeated and have made a note on your account.If you need any more help, please reply back to or call our Customer Service Team on 0870 111 7400.
RegardsLe-yen Huynh
Theyre still shit..
In other news... a big thank you to Christo whom I work with who has (again) made my blog look rather snazzy.. Got to say its my favourite set out yet! unfortunately, I have a website in progress and it screwed this site up for a few days! Luckily, Christo solved this n all!! So a big fat thank you to Christo!! :)
Right, Back to the grind stone.. Im working lates this week :'( x
Friday, March 17, 2006
Carphone whorehouses reply...
Is it possible that they make me Grrr more every time I speak to them!!?!??
Thank you for your e-mail received on the 6th March 2006. I appreciate your patience in awaiting a reply.
I am sorry to learn of your experience trying to contact our Customer Services Team. At busy times, we do have to operate a call queuing system to ensure that we answer calls fairly and efficiently. However, it is never our intention to leave anyone waiting for the length of time you have experienced.
I am sorry to hear you wish to cancel your contract with Vodafone and The Carphone Warehouse. Your current contract terminates on the 31st March 2006. To begin the process of disconnecting your account please contact our Loyalty Department on 0208 896 5491.
Once you have spoken to our Loyalty Team they will issue you with a Disconnection Request number (DRN). As per the terms and conditions of your contract we require thirty days written notice for disconnection. Therefore, once you have obtained your DRN you will be required to provide 30 days written notice. Your disconnection request is to be sent to the address shown below:
Disconnections Management
The Carphone Warehouse Limited
1 Portal Way
W3 6RS
Please include
* Name, address, contact details, signature.
* Mobile number
* Reason for disconnection
* If a PAC number is required.
Your signature is also required on the letter. It is important to know, that we require customers to send this recorded delivery or get by proof of postage (free from your post office) as we would require this information if your request is not received by us. Once we have received your request, the 30 days will start from that date. Any line rental paid in advance will be credited back to your account. You will then receive your final invoice to advise of any balance outstanding and you are liable for all charges on your account until it is disconnected.
If you wish to keep your number to transfer to another Mobile Network or Service Provider, you will need to request a Port Authorisation Code (PAC). Please discuss your requirements with our Loyalty Advisor. To obtain your PAC number you will need to contact our Loyalty Team on 0208 896 5491. Once you have received your PAC number you will need to contact your new provider and inform them of the number. Once they have transferred your number they will then contact us to disconnect your account. This can take 7-10 working days for this process to be completed. Your account with us will need to be active for the transfer to be processed.
The PAC number will expire after 30 days. If you do not use your PAC number within this time your account with us will not be disconnected and you will be liable for any charges incurred. You will then need to request another PAC number or provide written confirmation of your request for disconnection.
Your current outstanding balance up to the date of the 14th March 2006 is at the amount of £7.72 (excluding VAT). You currently have used 91:58 minutes out of your calling allowance of 1000 minutes and £0.10 out of your £10.21 Value bundle. You have also used 0 minutes out of 50 3G Video bundle.
OK... And now the good bit.. My reply:-
I appreciate your response but it is far too late for me to be ringing your customer retention as it was them fools that kept me on hold for nearly an hour in the first instance! I have sent 4 letters to you’re your 1 portal way address to different departments. All have been sent recorded delivery. If you look at my Vodafone bill, the balance is seven pound odd purely because of the time wasted trying to end my contract. There is no way that I am spending any more of my money trying to get in touch with you. The last direct debit will be coming from my bank account at the end of next month.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Grrr @ carphone whore house...
To Whom it may concern,
Please cancel the contract to 079174****5. I here by give 31 days notice. Please see below email that I sent on the 09/03/06. I am forwarding this to every address I have and any emails that I have for your company:-
If you would care to look back on the records for telephone number 07917****65, you will find that since last weekend I have made numerous attempts at trying to get an address from you to cancel my contract. I have been fobbed off and put on hold to the limits and have spent over two hours on the phone to you. Tonight I spoke to a gentleman who told me he would put me through to someone who would give me the cancellation department address (why I needed putting through to someone else I haven’t got the foggiest) but then I was kept on hold for over 40 minutes. (This was from approx 6.50pm) As there was no answer I thought I would then try and phone back to speak to the lovely gentleman that wasted my time in the first instance, at which point I was told that you closed your offices at 7pm. This means that I was on hold for 40 minutes while your staff were packing their belongings away and heading off home... I am still none the wiser to which address I should send my 1 months notice to (not that I am particularly bothered!) and so will be sending it to
The Carphone Warehouse Correspondence Department
1 Portal Way
W3 6RS
If this should be any different then I suggest you let me know as soon as possible. I would assume the worst damage you can do is cut me off (which would be a blessing) as there doesn’t seem much point doing this through the correct channels.
I will not be recommending you to my friends and family and can honestly say that from start to finish your service has been horrendous. I would also suggest a free phone telephone number so that that at least you are not charging money for wasting my time. Please pass this to your nearest and dearest.
I assume you would understand the above. Kindly cancel my contract at your earliest convenience as my direct debit will be cancelled from next month.
There u go.. Fucking bastards.. x
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Some more photos....

Some more photos from the murder mystery night. Richards attire was sported directly from his fathers wardrobe (glasses n all!) Kevs whole wardrobe (minus cycling shorts and shoes) were borrowed from his mum, and I think rest of us just grabbed random things that we found in our wardrobe.. (which makes Fordies outfit a little worrying but hey ho!!)
Sorry to anyone who found my last blog in poor taste re Richards mate... As it happens, Richard spoke to her yesterday and put the record straight on all accounts. I would just like to clarify that at no point was I bitchin behind her back. She is quite aware that I have been thoroughly pissed off. Its sorted now anyway!
Always appreciating comments people wish to leave on here... :-)
Saturday, March 04, 2006
A new look blog...
Me and the wife to be went to a Murder mystery night last night at one of his friends houses. Very good night it was (even without getting sloshed!) and some of the costumes (kev) were absolutely... Stunning... (Kev)... Really... Individual.. (kev).. I will enclose some photos shortly so you can see "exactly" what I am talking about! (KEV!!!) My outfit was quite bland.. I sported a black shirt, pink tie, cream trousrs and a moustache.. Richard ended up being the murderer anyway! (and very shexy in his dads 1980's style "not quite deidre Barlow but quite shocking" glasses.) All very exciting.. Didnt feel that safe sleeping with him last night though!!
One of Richards friends (and would you believe i used to like her so am not been a bitch!) is been a prick as of late. Before Christmas, she seemed to start making it her mission to entice Richard out without me. Perfectly understandable if she wanted a "girly" chat with him or something.. But the fact of it is, is that she was inviting everyone out.. Except me.. And then when seeing her on New years eve, she virtually ruined my night by feeding me shit about Richard... I actually thought she was quite an honest person till Richard informed me she the biggest bulshitted this side of the whitehouse! What annoyed me most was that she obviously thinks that I believe the crap that she comes out with and dont know Richard! Anyway, its beginning to do my head in, as since Christmas, the only texts that she is sending are ones asking when Rich is coming out without me? Its fair enough that she doesnt know Im reading the texts but this is the girl that I helped paint her house for weeks before she moved in.. She was my best friend then... loved me.. Asked me around at least twice a week! And now, She doesnt give a flying fuck... Im just sneeped I suppose... Shes even invited Richards mum around for dinner (might I add, she hardly knows her apart from polite hello and goodbyes over the years) and now asking Richard when him and his mum can go around.. To be honest, I would think Richards mum would think it strange that I was not invited anyway! It seems, anything to get him there without me! Its just like shes making a constant point of me not been there and Im coming to the point where I can feel my fingers hovering over my phone ready to ask her what her problem is... Anyway.. Theres my rant done.. Richards going to have a word as he does agree with me on the situation so please dont all think Im a loopy boi.. One more thing then Im going to shurrup as I dont feel that Ive justified myself too well... :-
I am willing to accept that people go out with their friends on their own.. But I firmly believe that you develop a "our friends" circle rather than "my friend". I know that if me and Rich split, I would probably not see most of his friends again (at the moment, although as years press on, Im sure this will change) because primarily they are "his" friends, but it doesnt stop me from liking and wanting to spend time with them. I never see Donna without Kev or Kev without Donna..But they do go out at times on their own with work or if Kev goes football do's etc. Richard is the same.. He goes out with work, as do I and if hes working late, sometimes he will go around Kev n Donnas or something. His other mate Im talking about has a boyfriend that she sees on a Wedesday and Saturday every week... She cant really do much more often because he lives in Manchester so she has not really got the same "convenience" as me and Richard. She assumes though that because she only sees her boyfriend twice a week, that me and Richard should be the same. A few points to consider here:-
A.) This girl has been seeing the lad for a little over a year and still says that she is not in love nor has she ever been in love.. Not a bad thing as she is a really funny/outgoing/ person and Im sure she will find someone who she wants to settle with. But she is not in love and doesnt know the true feeling of "coupledom" and should realise that not everyone is in the same boat as her. Me and Richard have been seeing each other just a little longer than his mate and her bf but we are a proper couple and I dont think she grasps that. We are even looking to start saving for a house when we come back from Muscat (which I have done research on which am going to post!!)
B.) Me and Richard do have our days off in the week where we dont see each other.. If this was a Wednesday, would she change her plans from seeing her other half to see Richard? We have seen from experience that the answer to this is a big fat no! So why should richard? The compromise is we see her together...
Im gonna shut it now.. ...
Ooo... And I just solved an IT issue by sending a multimedia message showing a girl how to feed her printer! Im getting good at this!! :-)
The Muscat info that I wanted to post, will not post but in May it is hotter in muscat than July/August in Egypt.. I have a feeling Im going to be taking the factor 100000 on my person! LOL xxxx Ta tarrr!!!
In other news, I fear I may have to stop swearing so much in front of Jaya,,, I keep thinking her first words are going to be "didi a batdard" (adies a bastard)
See yaaa
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Pervy Goatee..
It has finally been confirmed my mummy kazduck that I am putting weight on... Was a bit gutted yesterday but the chinese I consumed last night helped to ease the pain somewhat! I have been quite good this week but dont seem to be losing any weight whatsoever really.. Will try to be good this weekend (to a certain extent!) and will let you know the damage on Monday!
Am on day 4 of the 6am-3pm shift... I am now finding myself movin around using my teeth to grip the pavement.. and Ive got to work this Saturday which is a little bit poo on a shoe ish aint it!! I think a lie in will be muchly needed on Sunday! Richie not off with me this weekend either so will be boring days of just sitting in and doing nothing.. Maybe I shalt go to the gym! Hoorah!
Ok.. Better be off.. Work to do n that.. (waahahahahahahah!)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
The diet is going well so far this week although I dont seem to be losing any weight so far.. (though admittedly am only on day 3!!) Gym tonight though with Mr peel! We are doing really well and its nice to have a chin wag while your doing exercise.. It makes time go that little bit quicker!
Anyway.. going to get me head down.. Very sleepy!! xxx