Some more photos from the murder mystery night. Richards attire was sported directly from his fathers wardrobe (glasses n all!) Kevs whole wardrobe (minus cycling shorts and shoes) were borrowed from his mum, and I think rest of us just grabbed random things that we found in our wardrobe.. (which makes Fordies outfit a little worrying but hey ho!!)
Sorry to anyone who found my last blog in poor taste re Richards mate... As it happens, Richard spoke to her yesterday and put the record straight on all accounts. I would just like to clarify that at no point was I bitchin behind her back. She is quite aware that I have been thoroughly pissed off. Its sorted now anyway!
Always appreciating comments people wish to leave on here... :-)
cheers for that,i have now got those pics saved on my computer as i only had the first one on my phone! Donna x
Im the one that seems to take the most flattering photos as Im sure you have seen by previous posts! :-)
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