Monday, January 09, 2006

An Update...

Hi There!!
Long time no update!! Well, here I am.... So ya can shut yr face now Natt!! I havent really got that much gossip to be honest! Its no longer looking as though I am going to be going to Dubai.. (NOR MUSCAT!!) as they seem to enjoy advertising false offers!! TUT!!! Im happy with the lake district anyway as anywhere that stops me from flying is always a bonus!!

Work is going well!! I am learning something new every day and am 2 months into my new job today..,, cant really say anything else bout work...

There is talk of me and my sister "reviving" our singing at pubs and clubs. Apparantly the working mens club where we used to do most of our sessions at have asked if we can do next boxing day and New Year. .. am going to go to my daddy dears tomorrow night with Beverley Anne and see if we have still "got it!!" (to be honest I dont think Ive ever had anything but a croaky voice but we shall see how it goes!!)

Anywaaayyyyy!! Im going to pop off now!! Night of soaps planned!

Catch ya laterz


Anonymous said...

Shut my face? How rather rude!? I've just realised something quite wrong actually, i viewed some comments on an entry that i have been looking at for about a MONTH and then all of a sudden three entries popped up?! How cool, so i got to read xmas entry and new year and then today's hehe! Sorry Adie, when i said update i meant from '7 sleeps' lol. Mwah x

Adie said...

LOL! Fancy missing my festive entries! They cum but once a year Nattinoo!! :) x