Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Dowgie doings..

Just a random question.. How do I get my doggy to poo outside? It took some time and a lot of treats to get her doing her business on the puppy mats and not on my carpet but I am now looking to take her skills to another level. Every day, she is going for walkies and I am shoving her into every lamp post, tree, and fire hydrant that I come across, hoping that she will get the hint that she is meant to be following suit of the bigger doggies. Oh, but she is a defiant bitch! She is managing to hold anything she has brewing in until we get back inside where she will run to her mat and pee, thus getting her a well deserved treat. I could hold out on the treating when business is done inside on her mat but I do fear that then she will seek revenge and make a mess on my bed or somewhere equally distressing.

I am holding out for the first wee or poosie done outside and carry with me at all times, a handful of treats (good girl!), a fragranced black bag, (remove any evidence) and a party popper (Celebrate), but I fear that it could be later rather than sooner judging by the rate she is going…

Will keep you updated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the pooch will deliver a poo,hopefully at westport lake by tomorrow...because she,s not coming home till she does! she will be fed and watered till she,s fit to pop,then taken on a 10 mile hike!poos will be plentiful!poos will be deposited! poos galore i say!! if not! well.....can you give dogs enemas? ay? hmm?? just a thought!love mummy dearest.x