Sunday, September 04, 2005

A big tidy up!

Good Mooooning!
It seems to have been a bit of a while since I last did a proper update but you have had plenty of photos to keep you busy and so i dont think that anyone should complain. And if you do... Well... I dunna give a fook anyway!! As you can see by the photos, baby Jaya (aka princess mop ed!) is a bouncing baby girl and I know they say that when someone in your family has a baby, you think its the best thing since sliced bread but words cannot even begin to describe how I feel for this little screwed up munchkin! I sit at work and when I am ready to tell them all to shove their crabby wanky job up their arse, I gaze over at Jayas photo and it makes me smirk like a mad man... I then pick up my "Worlds greatest uncle mug" and go and make myself a drink!! Tis great!!

In other news, me and bitchy are now looking at as somewhere to stay when we go to thailand as we can afford a beach cottage there and the evason has not got brilliant reviews to be honest!

I dont kno if i have mentioned it but its looking quite definite that the place I went for an interview for are giving me a second interview. I dont know if I mentioned it but the people that went for an interview at this place had a lot more experience than me so I would be really chuffed if I was one of the two people that they are going to give a second interview! It shows that I can do it and I am going to aim to the stars from now on instead of the gutter! :)

ANyway.. IM offities.. Going to tidy my sty!.. Ive not done badly tidying up while my mum has been on her jollies.. Am looking forward to her coming back now tho! :) xxxxxxxx

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