Monday, September 25, 2006

Fancy Dress?! Another effin Aeroplane... ' COFF!!!

Ive heard a rumour.. It sprung from the customer services section and has hit almost every department.. This year for our Christmas party, there is talk of having fancy dress?! I have enough difficulty around that time of year choosing an outfit as it is without throwing a fancy dress party into the equation! A little bird tells me there is also a theme for this fancy dress... Barons and Baronesses?!?! Personally I reckon it is just an excuse to get people to dress better (We a bit common at ma company... women wore hotpants last year instead of evening gowns..) Well, I will tell you this for nothing, I aint purchasing an expensive cloak and walking staff for love nor money! I will wear a black bin liner around ma neck, and carry a twig in my hand and they will be bloody grateful! And top hat?! Ill wear a fake burberry baseball cap! Ha! Not even sure Ill even be going this year. My Broad Bean has left for Birmingham (Richard? is that a cheer I hear?!) so I wont have anyone to sip cocktails (neck pints) with... :-(

The time is almost nigh (again....) for me to go on an aeroplane (again.) Have you noticed I dont mention that once I get there I will be in Nice France and will probably have a really good week long break. You know why I dont? Cos I aint thought about the actual holiday once. Im just worrying about the flight. People have said all kinds of things to me to try and make me feel better but the fact of it is, is that Im getting very steadily worse. Even though I have not yet died in a plane crash, I am convinced that this is how I am going to meet my maker. For every good flight, my Fear of flying does not get better, but does not get worse. However, for every bad flight (so far have had 3).. im getting steadily worse which means that eventually im going to come to a halt and not be able to get on one of the things. I fear that time may not be as far off as I thought... And if there is even a sniff of a storm, u will have to sedate me to get on the bloody thing!



Anonymous said...

babe, do me one favour. i know nothin i say will make u stop worrying, but you have nothin to worry about. but just do me one favur, not for you, but for the other people on the plane.. dont scream 'WE'RE GONNA DIEEEE' like you did on our plane journey.. you made the lil 4 year old girl cry and im sure she will never get on a plane again!!!! hehe xx

Adie said...

Ok, so maybe I was a lil bit dramatic but we got hit by lightning and the plane went "neeeoeowwwwnnnnn" as if we were headed for the hills.. Was horrid! :-(