Thursday, August 17, 2006

A meal out...

I dont tend to have much to say so far this week... Ive just been doing bits and bobs.. Been out for Dannis birthday on Wednesday and that was a good night and then last night I went out for dinner with my mates! Everything Im doing seems to revolve around food at the moment!! I have ten pound to last me 8 days.. I am seeing it as a challenge... A challenge I dont think im going to win but a challenge nonetheless!!

Bev and Jaya came around tonight and for the first time this year, kazduck cooked a proper homemade meal!! It made a lovely change though and I shall look forward to my Christmas dinner...

Just waiting for Richard to come round now.. Havent had a shower for 1.5 days (eww... double ewww considering I went the gym yesterday!!) so I think I better jump in now!! Im not dirty.. honest...Im a gay.. we smell of roses and all things beautiful!!! xxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bollicksshhh adie! bollikkshhh i say! you,ll have egg and chips for xmas dinner!! hah!...mummydearest!.x