Monday, August 22, 2005

Farewell to Mademoiselle Kazduck

Yes folks, Thats right! Kazduck is on her travels, which means endless nights of P-A-R-T.... One min... No... I seem to have mistaken myself for a rebel... Oook... That means endless nights of C-L-E-A-N-I-N-G!!! Tee hee hee!!

I didnt actually realise until around 3 days ago that she was leaving so was a bit of a shock to learn that she was going! Bad news also in that today was the last time she will see Bev pregnant and she will almost definitely now miss the birth. Bit of a bitch aint it?

So, I have put myself on a diet for tomorrow and the rest of this week. Im going to be good, and the first thing that Im going to do is to get some shopping ordered tomorrow night. Tis only right!!

Faye came around last night and helped me out with my personal statement for my job application with the council. I have got to say that I am extremely excited about the next few weeks because, even though I probably will not get the first job that I apply for, I am actually taking definitive steps in the correct direction to ensure that the futures bright (tisnt orange tho... )

Me Bitchy came around tonight for a chippy tea.. mainly due to the fact that I cannot afford to do anything even a little bit exciting for the rest of the week. Its all very sad but true. Im not that bothered anyway.. Keep smiling! :)

Its still really hard to think that in around 7 weeks, Im going to be going on holiday myself. Its all a blur and I think because of verious happenings going on around me, I almost feel as if its not going to come to me actually ever visiting there. Lets hope Adie Poo is wrong tho shall we?!

I heard from Scott today at work (someone I dated briefly before me and Richard got together and for a short period while we were kind of together- Dont ASK!!!) but saw no real point in getting in contact with him. Im sure he wont lose sleep over it anyway. Hes a nice enough bloke but I just do not see any valid point for us to be in contact. As well as that, I am considerate to Richards feelings and I dont think he would be too overjoyed at the thought of me emailing someone who I was seeing when I first got it on with him!

Right! Im going sleepies now...

Night night

Sleep Tight
:) xxxxxxx


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