Thursday, August 25, 2005

Good Mooooning!!
Tis looking like the rest of my holiday is now booked which Im rather chufters to bits about! Prices have got to be confirmed but its certainly looking pretty good as it stands! I spose I had better start looking forward to it now hadnt I?!

Tesco.... FUCKING TESCO!!, have totally pissed me off.. I asked for delivery last night between 8pm and 10pm (hoping that the stuff would come as early as possible...) and the bastards finally turned up at 11.15pm... I tell no lies... I was so tired it was unreal.. Needless to say, if it happens again I may just make the bastards carry the lot up themselves!!

Im not quite sure what is wrong with me because I am getting a teeeny weeeny bit obsessed with my weight again. I went through a happy go lucky (aka I dont give a fuck) stage and it seems to have resulted in me putting on a couple of pound (of which now, I cant lose!!) and its stressing me out. For the record, I know Im not fat... But I also dont wanna be fat, so thats why I worry about things! Think Ill start something a bit more serious on Monday when I can be arsed.

I have an interview on Tuesday morning just down from where I live... Its literally 5 minutes walk and would be 1k more than Im on now without me having to work every other saturday. Sounds quite good really but we shall see.. Would still really love to work for the council but 3 days and Ive heard nothing. Shouldnt be putting all of my eggs in one basket I suppose... *sigh*

Oh, back to tesco... how naughty are they?! I bought myself 5 salads to have for my dinner for today tomorroe and mon tue wed next week and the fuckers user by date are this Saturday.. So Im gonna be like one of those people from the third world, throwing the salads at random people and hoping they dont turn their noses up at it! (altho, it would be cruel to throw a salad at starvin marvins wouldnt it... adding insult to injury me thinks... Luckily the people Im thinkin of are not quite third world...!! )

Right then, bath time! Ive decided that Im going to make myself look pretty today... Even if it kills me... (let me be honest, it probably will!)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How rude are Tescos!? I can't wait for today, working 10 hours, obviously getting paid but all we are doing (as pub is shut) is trying EVERYTHING, yes i mean everything, on our new menu!!! Filling in questionaires on what we think of the food and listenin to some dude talk about stuff!! How good is that? You jealous haha. Thought i'd share how cushy my job is hehe bye for now xxx