Saturday, August 27, 2005

Sick of thinking of titles!!

Good Morning,
Well... Me little holiday at the chedi has gone totally tits up unfortunately!!! When me and bitchy had finally decided that we wanted to go there, we tried to book it and they had no availability!! Cheeky bastards... Obviously they either dont know who I am orrr they DO know who Richard is... Tuh!

Sooo... I may now be going to but at the moment, Im not getting my hopes up unless they are dashed down again with a big fat carving knife.. (oooh i do love the drama of being a gay!)

Im a little bit worried about money this month. Im thinking I may have to "borrow" £100.00 or so from my holiday fund. Not that it is going to make much difference to it because I think I near enough have all the spending money that I need for my holiday but was hoping to have a bit of a surplus going on... No such luck!! :)

Hmmmm... How cruel is it that in 15 minutes I have got to go to work... Doing a job that I dont know how to do again! Tis so unfair! *throws dummy out of very large pram* Had Richard (oo errr) around (u see, wasnt me rude!) for a big fat shag (ok, maybe I was!) Only kidding.. we watched Bridget Jones two with lots of snacks... I pounced on the white chocolate maltesers like I imagine skinny third world folk leap on the dog biscuits they aid drop from the sky! I get like something possessed when it involved food I lurve! hehehehe!

Right then fucks (should that have been folks.... more to the point.. do I care?!) Im offties... Catch u later.. stay safe n all that!
xxxx (and today, Im not avin a bath.. im going to go to work stinking of B.O and cheesey biscuits!!!!!... ok, not quite.. Im a gay.. I smell of flowers and all things chocolatey!)


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