Friday, August 12, 2005

Friday... The warmest day of the year!?!?!?

Good Morning,
Now, far from me wanting to be negative and contradict our muchly reliable weather system (Yeah wahever..) Im not seeing that at the moment, today is going to be the warmest day of the year. The main reason for this being that at the moment... well... tis pissing it down... and it certainly aint showing any clear signs of clearing up anytime in the next few hours... Not that Im complaining you understand.. While I am at work, I give my full permission for the heavens to open, and piss right over all the cocky bastards who threw a sicky on this "sunny day" (I am NOT bitter you understand...)

So, What are my plans for tonight, tomorrow and Sunday? Well! Tonight, I am going around to a friends house for a chinky and some wine... At the moment im fancying both less and less but Im sure after a few hours in the work pit, I will be not only be drinking a glass or two of wine but a whole fecking crate of the stuff! Tomorrow, I was meant to be going to a working mens club with my mum but dont think thats happening now so not sure what am going to do.. And Sunday, Im not sure what is happening yet! Will have to see... Not the most exciting weekend ever lined up really but sometimes that is when the best things happen aint it?! :)

Still nothing solid booked for my holiday (which I am going october 8-10 ish) but its getting pieced together more and more with every passing day which is rather cool! Its really just a case of choosing a couple of hotels to go with the wollyday! I want my own little hut but whether or not I will actually get it, is another story!

I went out for a meal with my friend Craig the other day and won Richard a little teddy on a machine. Arent men ungrateful though... Spent a whole pound (fairy nuff the toy probably aint even worth that!) trying to win the little bugger and now hes sitting ere staring at me because Richard didnt take him with him last night. Poor little thing. Ill enclose a photo for all to see. If anyone would like to adopt his name is Frank. Otherwise, I will be claiming maintenance from his father....

I keep on having strange dreams lately which is probably why I keep awaking at stupid O clock. Tis a tragedy.... Speaking of which, Im getting my hair cut tonight... It looks absolutely shocking...its just so... bushy... *snip snip snip*

I also seem to be cutting down on the gym lately.. I conna be arsed with it to be honest... And I suppose the fact that I forgot my trainers yesterday contributed towards the reason that I did not "pump iron" for a whole 45 minutes.....

Right Im going to have a bath... Need to get rid of this manly smell (yes, B.O) that I seem to have developed... Tis true, not all of us gays always smell of roses... I could tell you some stories about a "friend" of mine...I say "friend" because his mum knows my mum (they cant stand each other) and he was one of the few people who never actually did anything major enough for me to tell him to fuck off.. (believe me I tried to make him!) What a beauty... his name is Wayne... Im going to paint the picture... About 5 foot 2, ginger hair swept back and cut around every 4 months, the same white shirt with a filfthy neck, dumpy fingers so heavily encased with nicotine that you would rather put your hand in a piranha infested waters than have him touch you, covered in freckles (my freckles are fairy kisses...but Im sure his are where they spat at him!) and around 18 stone. Smelliest dirtiest bastard you have ever met in your whole life...Hes in prison now... Bless...Burnt his own house down... Think it was an insurance job... Except he wasnt insured... and it was a council flat... He wasnt the brightest coin... He insisted he was gay... I insisted he wasnt... Surely its an offense in itself isnt it...Or am I just being a bitch?! Oh well! *heave*


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